Next Event
Day: Saturday 25 January 2025
Time: 19:00
Location: Sheffield Cathedral (Church St, Sheffield, S1 1HA)
Gathering the whole
Church to Seek First
the Kingdom of God
through worship,
and prayer.
We believe the Lord is calling his church in this region to gather together to Seek Jesus; in the words of Matt 6.33 to ‘seek first the Kingdom and his righteousness…’ (Matt 6:33).
We seek to create a space, calling God’s people to be consecrated to God alone.
Our agenda is to the pursuit of the Lord; ministering in, with and to His presence in worship and prayer.
Jesus centred
In Revelation 4 the whole of heaven is enraptured in worship of One person, the Lamb that was slain – Jesus.
Who is seated upon the throne, the one who is the image of the invisible God, we are focused upon him alone. We worship Father, Son, and Holy spirit.
Holy Scripture, Holy Spirit and Holy Communion
We’re rooted in the Word, devoted to the Holy Spirit and gather around the Lord’s Table.
When we meet, we worship God together, under the authority of the scripture, expecting to encounter.
Whole Church
We’re welcoming the breadth and width of the Church. In Revelation 7, all nations, tribes, people and tongues gather around the throne.
We desire to embody this as reality, when we gather together.
